In Coole N.S. we are very fortunate to have a great network of local groups that work with the school. As a result, our students receive a wide variety of sports and exercise during the school week. There are also many after school activities taking place in the local area in which many of our children are involved!

Improving the Strand of “Dance”

Yoga & Mindfulness

Yoga & Mindfulness

Rugby Coaching

Rugby Coaching

Improving the Strand of “Dance”

Improving the Strand of “Dance”

Improving the Strand of “Dance”
- Scooter workshop
- Scooter workshop
- Scooter workshop
- GAA coaches visit Coole N.S.
- GAA coaches visit Coole N.S.
- GAA coaches visit Coole N.S.
- GAA coaches visit Coole N.S.
- GAA coaches visit Coole N.S.
- Soccer for Girls at Coole
- Hurling/Camógie visiting coach
- Soccer for Girls at Coole
- Hurling/Camógie visiting coach
- Soccer for Girls at Coole
- Hurling/Camógie visiting coach